European Research Council (ERC)

The Excellence grants in EU funding programmes are primarily ERC grants. ERC is divided in three levels based on PhD age:

ERC Starting grant Starting Grant | ERC ( PhD age 2-7 years. Yearly deadline typically in October.

ERC Consolidator grant Consolidator Grant | ERC ( PhD age 8-12 years. Yearly deadline typically in January.

ERC Advanced grant Advanced Grant | ERC ( PhD age min. 12 years. Yearly deadline typically in August.

The primary research support for ERC applicants is done by the HUM faculty staff, however you need a housing commitment from the department before you can apply.

If you would like to apply to have your ERC application hosted at ToRS please fill in this template (so far only in Danish) and send it to with a 1 page CV.

Internal deadlines will be announced in ToRSnyt.