Pre-defence seminar with Emilija Zabiliute

Most welcome to Emilija Zabiliute’s pre-defence seminar when we will discuss her project Everyday Life and Health Seeking Practices among Urban Poor Women in Delhi, India.

External examiner: Associate Professor Amita Baviskar, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi


The pre-defence seminar aims to discuss and pinpoint the general  themes and arguments, underlying the draft chapters. In this way, it will lay the foundation for finalizing the general argument of the thesis, its positioning, as well as potential contributions. In this dissertation I explore urban poor women’s health seeking practices and the governmental health interventions in a jhuggi cluster (slum), in Dehi, India, a place usually understood as devoid of and abandoned by the state. Particularly, I am interested in the relationship between women’s life-worlds and the governmental health interventions. The chapter drafts discuss the political making and local histories of the urban poor neighbourhood (1); experiences of class and aspirations of the poor in the ‘world class’ city of Delhi (2); the everyday health-seeking practices among the poor and the production of state and non-state authority through medical interventions in an urban poor neighbourhood (3);  affective medical encounters in a primary healthcare centre in the vicinity of the jhuggi cluster (4); ambiguous role of state-mobilized health activists from within the community (5); and the experience of uncertainty and  marginality in embodied ways by the poor women (6).

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