Birgit Anette Rasmussen (Olsen)

Birgit Anette Rasmussen (Olsen)


Member of:

    Current research

    Following the Velux project Individual, kin and family in prehistoric Europe - what words can tell (2013-16), my primary research field at present is the interface between language and culture where I am particularly occupied with the Indo-European social structure as reflected in the vocabulary.

    I am also working on a monograph on Indo-European word formation, and contiously I write articles on Indo-European linguistics, most lately on Greek and Latin historical morphology and on Armenian phonology.

    Primary fields of research

    While I take a broad interest in Indo-European language and culture in general, the following areas are particularly important in my previous and current research:

    • Indo-European morphology, especially nominal word formation
    • Indo-European morphophonemics and phonemics, especially the laryngeal theory and consonantal alternations
    • Indo-European lexicon and palaeolinguistics, e.g. with respect to kinship terms and social institutions
    • Classical Armenian phonology, morphology and etymology


    Through the years I have taught a variety of subjects within Indo-European studies:

    • Historical linguistics
    • Introduction to Indo-European studies
    • Introduction to linguistics - historical part
    • Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans
    • Indo-European phonology
    • Indo-European morphology
    • Indo-European word formation
    • Indo-European vocabulary
    • Laryngeal theory
    • Seminars on recent literature
    • Roots of Europe
    • Indo-Iranian, Sanskrit, Vedic, Avestan and Old Persian
    • Greek
    • Latin and Italic
    • Gothic and panorama of ancient Germanic languages
    • Old Irish
    • Armenian
    • Anatolian

    Additionally, I have taught propaedeutic Greek and Latin and ancient literature.

    Most recent courses:


    I am happy to supervise all subjects within Indo-European language and culture: phonology, morphophonemics, morphology, lexicon and archaeolinguistics. Moreover, subjects dealing with specific branches, with particular pleasure within Armenian, Indo-Iranian, Greek and Italic.

    ID: 8075