Ambiguous Interplays – Kurdish Diaspora Mobilisation in Denmark from Kobane to Afrin
Public Defence of PhD thesis by Anne Sofie Schøtt.
The PhD thesis Ambiguous Interplays. Kurdish Diaspora Mobilisation in Denmark from Kobane to Afrin investigates how the Kurdish diaspora in Denmark mobilised in support of the Kurdish struggle in Syria during the civil war. Spanning in time from the battle of Kobane (2014) to the defeat in Afrin (2018), the study analyses the Kurdish activism in three arenas in the Danish societies encompassing political lobbyism, courtroom activism and humanitarian action. Drawing on social movement theory and ethnographic fieldwork among Kurdish activists and organisations, the study argues that the ambiguous recognition of various actors in the Danish society represents the main challenge for the Kurdish activists in terms of success. Moreover, it points to the significance of intra-Kurdish rivalry, notably between the Öcalan movement and the Kurdistan movement. Beside these two major groupings, the study also identifies a third and heterogeneous group of activists, who try to steer fee of the rivalry pursuing independent goals.
The thesis contributes to the understanding of the mobilisation of the Kurdish diaspora during war in the homeland. In particular, the study analyses the strategic interaction between the Kurdish diaspora community and the Danish authorities, both engaged in the war against Islamic State but on different terms. The thesis also contributes to the understanding of the position of the Syrian Kurds within the diaspora, who like the Kurds in Syria have been ignored up until recently. The battle against Islamic State – and the unprecedented scale of Kurdish diaspora activism – generated new positions and formulations of Kurdish identity. These include alter-territorial identification, as the thesis argues, which represents identification with another part of Kurdistan than the place of origin.
Ph.d.-afhandlingen Ambiguous Interplays. Kurdish Diaspora Mobilisation in Denmark from Kobane to Afrin undersøger, hvordan den kurdiske diaspora i Danmark blev mobiliseret til støtte for den kurdiske kamp i Syrien fra slaget om Kobane (2014) til nederlaget i Afrin (2018). Afhandlingen undersøger den kurdiske aktivisme som den udfolder sig i tre arenaer i det danske samfund, herunder den politisk lobbyisme, retssalsaktivismen og den humanitære nødhjælp. Analysen tager udgangspunkt i social movement theory og etnografisk feltarbejde blandt kurdiske aktivister og organisationer i Danmark og finder, at den største udfordring for de kurdiske aktivister i forhold til at opnå succes er den tvetydig anerkendelse af den kurdiske sag fra en række aktører i det danske samfund. Undersøgelsen peger i forbindelse hermed også på den interne rivalisering mellem to dominerende kurdiske grupperinger, Öcalan bevægelsen og Kurdistan bevægelsen. Derudover identificeres en tredje og heterogen gruppe af uafhængige aktivister, som forfølger individuelle mål.
Afhandlingen bidrager til forståelsen af den kurdiske diasporas mobilisering som reaktion på krig i hjemlandet. Den fokuserer især på den strategiske interaktion mellem den kurdiske diaspora og danske myndigheder, der begge er involveret i krigen mod Islamisk Stat, men på vidt forskellige vilkår. Afhandlingen bidrager også til forståelsen af de syriske kurderes situation blandt andre kurdiske diasporagrupper i Danmark. De syriske kurdere i diasporaen er således indtil for nyligt blevet overset i forskningen, ligesom kurderne i Syrien er blevet det. Krigen mod Islamisk stat – og den omfattende aktivisme blandt kurdere i diasporaen – har ført til nye måder at identificerer sig på som kurder. Dette omfatter, som afhandlingen argumenterer for, alter-territorial identifikation, der betegner identifikation med en anden del af Kurdistan end dér, hvor man stammer fra.
Assessment Committee
- Associate Professor Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, chairman (University of Copenhagen)
- Professor wso Sune Haugbølle (Roskilde University)
- Associate Professor Minoo Alinia (Södertörn University)
Head of defense
- Associate Professor Claus Valling Pedersen (University of Copenhagen)
Copies of the thesis will be submitted before the defense:
- For home loan at Copenhagen University Library, South Campus
- For review at the Royal Danish Library, Reading Room East (The Black Diamond)
- For review at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S.