Where Do We Go From Here?
A Religio-philosophical Reading of Peter Sloterdijk's and Giorgio Agamben's Affirmative Critiques of the Present
Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Erik Sporon Fiedler.
In the first decades of the 21th century the notion of crisis has been dominant, and it has been claimed that we live in a time of crisis. Traditionally, religion has been evoked when the uncertainties of existence and the instability of the world was to be reconciled with. But although there are widespread claims of a return of religion it needs to be addressed how this might be understood. The usual question raised in philosophical diagnoses of the present is how did we get here? and subsequently the critical question what went wrong? But in order for the critique not just to be negative and instead take an affirmative guise a further question needs to be raised: where do we go from here? Two of the most complex and innovative contemporary attempts to understand our present situation are found in the writings of the philosophers Giorgio Agamben and Peter Sloterdijk. It characterizes both of their philosophical authorships that although critical they also try to formulate a positive project and in doing so both take recourse in the history of religion and investigate and utilize a religious heritage that they deem still to be of importance.
This dissertation investigates the philosophical trajectories of Agamben and Sloterdijk and attempt to assess the role of religion within their entire philosophical projects. This is done through a religiophilosophical reading and mapping of their work on religion situated within the wider scopes of their philosophies. I focus on the positive projects that they both try to formulate, and I claim that their work on religion is intimately linked to exactly these attempts at engaging constructively with our present situation. Sloterdijk and Agamben are two very different philosophers that are not normally read within the same traditions of reception, although they share a common intellectual historical heritage. In order to identify the affinities between their works I construct an affirmative perspective through a reading of Michel Foucault’sgenealogy of critique. I usethis as a steppingstone for identifying a certain type of critical philosopher engaged in the present of whom I see Agamben and Sloterdijk as various examples. The dissertation thus comprise of a religio-philosophical and present-focused intellectual historical investigation of the role of religion in Agamben’s and Sloterdijk’s philosophies and thereby attempt
to address the question where do we go from here.
I de første årtier af det 21. århundrede har idéen om krise været dominerende og det hævdes at vi lever i en krisetid. Traditionelt har religionen spillet en rolle, når eksistensens usikkerhed og verdens ustabilitet skulle håndteres. Men med udbredte antagelser om religionens genkomst, er det nødvendigt at undersøge, hvordan dette skal forstås. De vanlige spørgsmål, der rejses i filosofiske samtidsdiagnoser, er, hvordan kom vi hertil? Og det kritiske, hvad gik galt? For at kritikken ikke blot er negativ, men i stedet tager en affirmativ udformning og peger videre, er det afgørende at rejse det opfølgende spørgsmål: Hvordan kommer vi videre herfra? To af de mest komplekse og innovative samtidige forsøg på at forstå vores samtidige situation findes i filosofferne Giorgio Agambens og Peter Sloterdijks tekster. Det er karakteriserende for begges filosofiske forfatterskaber, at selvom de er kritiske, forsøger de også at formulere et positivt projekt. Her griber de begge til religionshistorien og gør brug af en religiøs arv, som de begge vurderer stadig har væsentlig betydning.
Afhandlingen undersøger Agambens og Sloterdijks filosofiske bane og vurderer religionens rolle indenfor deres samlede filosofiske projekter. Dette gør jeg gennem en religionsfilosofisk læsning og kortlægning af deres arbejde med religion, hvor jeg fokuserer på de positive projekter, som de begge prøver at formulere. Jeg argumenterer for, at deres arbejde med religion er intimt forbundet med disse forsøg på konstruktivt at konfrontere vores nuværende situation. Sloterdijk og Agamben er to meget forskellige tænkere, der ikke normalt læses indenfor den samme receptionstradition på trods af, at de deler en fælles idéhistorisk arv. For at identificere affiniteterne mellem deres arbejde etablerer jeg et affirmativt perspektiv gennem en læsning af Michel Foucaults kritik-genealogi. Med afsæt heri identificerer jeg en særlig type af den samtidsengagerede kritiske filosof, hvoraf jeg ser Agamben og Sloterdijk som to eksempler. Afhandlingen udgør således en religionsfilosofisk og samtids-idéhistorisk undersøgelse af religionens rolle i Agambens og Sloterdijk tænkning og forsøger derigennem at besvare spørgsmålet om hvordan vi kommer videre herfra.
Assessment Committee
- Associate Professor Thomas Brudholm (University of Copenhagen)
- Professor Jayne Svenungsson (Lund University)
- Professor Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen (Aarhus University)
Moderator of defence
- Head of Department, Associate Professor Annika Hvithamar (University of Copenhagen)