Revolutions and Middle East History

Professor Abdel Razzaq Tikriti (Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Arab History, University of Houston) will talk about his research on revolutions and revolutionary movements in modern Arab history.


Professor Abdel Razzaq Tikriti (Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Arab History, University of Houston) will talk about his research on revolutions and revolutionary movements in modern Arab history. He is the author of Monsoon Revolution: Republicans, Sultans, and Empires in Oman, 1965-76 (Oxford University Press, 2013) and co-author, with Karma Nabulsi, of The Palestinian Revolution (Oxford University Dept. of Politics, 2016). He has authored numerous research articles on the Arab left and socialism, colonialism, nationalism and coups. He is visiting Denmark as part of the research project ‘1979 and the Fate of Third-Worldism in the Middle East’, organized by Profs. Rasmus Christian Elling (ToRS, HUM) and Sune Haugbølle (RUC).