Comparing Concepts of the Environment

A workshop hosted by Uppsala University, Centre for Sustainable Futures, and Center for Applied Ecological Thinking.

We invite you to "Comparing Concepts of the Environment".


09:00 Julia Nordblad, Uppsala University Coffee and welcome: Can Environmental Concepts be Compared?
09:30 Keynote Etienne Benson, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

Chair: Julia Nordblad

Environments in Crisis
10:30 Break
10:45 Panel I
  1. Weronika Parfianowicz, University of Warsaw
  2. Stefan Bargheer, University of Erfurt

Panel I
  1. Environmental Vocabulary in Socialist Poland in the 1970s and 1980s: Paradoxes, Tensions and Ambiguities
  2. Biological Diversity and Cultural Diversity: The Co-Evolution of Two Concepts
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Panel II
  1. Christina Wessely, University of Lüneburg
  2. Emil Flatø, University of Copenhagen

Panel II
  1. National Ecology: Wholeness, Diversity and Balance 1871
  2. Process Design and the Temporality of Environmental ‘Problems’
15:00 Coffee
15:15 Panel III
  1. Simone Müller, University of Augsburg
  2. Niklas Olsen, University of Copenhagen

Chair: Sebastian Lundsteen Nielsen, University of Copenhagen

Panel III
  1. Legacy Sites
  2. The Ecological Consumer
16:45 Chair: Julia Nordblad Concluding remarks

The workshop is open to all. Please register with Emma Bondo.