Catharina Raudvere

Catharina Raudvere



1993 Ph.D. in the History of Religions at Lund University, Sweden

2005 professor in the History of Religions, University of Copenhagen


2005 fellow of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm

2010 fellow of the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy, Uppsala

2011 fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen


Employment and research visits

1993–98 teaching at Lund University and Linköping University, Sweden

1994–95 post-doc at Department of Scandinavian, University of California, Berkeley

1995–97visiting researcher at Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul

1997–2004 associate professor (docent) in the history of religions at Lund University




1995-98 “Female Dervishes in Contemporary Istanbul”, individual project funded by the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences

1999–2004 PI (together with professor Anders Andrén, Stockholm) of  “Roads to Midgard. Long-term Perspectives on Old Norse Religion” a collaborative project funded by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

1999 Northern Scholars Scheme, University of Edinburgh

2005–2007 PI of the collaborative project “Exile and Tradition. Transnational Contemporary Sufism”, funded by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

2006–2011 member of the steering committee for the international network “Islam and Nation Formation in the Middle East” (ISNAT)

2008–10 PI of the collaborative project “Between Conservative Reaction and Religious Innovation. Religious Intellectuals in Central and South-Eastern Europe on Community, Authenticity and Origin”, funded by the Danish Research Council

2008–2014 manager of the inter-disciplinary project group “The Many Roads to Modernity. The Regional, National and Transnational Dynamics of Europe” at The Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES), Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2009–12 Danish member of The Nordic Network for Memory Studies, funded by NordForsk

2010–13 member of the research group “Muslim Devotion”, University of Bergen, funded by the Norwegian Research Council

2012– PI of the research centre “The Many Roads in Modernity. The Transformation of South East Europe and Its Ottoman Legacy from the 1870s to the 21st Century”, funded by the Carlsberg Foundation 2012-2018;



Internal and external duties, learned societies etc.

1996 fellow of The New Society of Letters at Lund University

1997 fellow of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul

1999–2004 member of the board of trustees of The New Society of Letters at Lund University (honorary secretary 2000-2004)

2000–2009 member of the board of trustees of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (deputy chairman 2006-2009)

2004–2006 member of evaluation panel for religious studies, theology, non-European languages and ancient history at the Swedish Research Council

2004 fellow of the Royal Society of Humanities at Lund University

2005 fellow of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm

2007–2009 member of the evaluation panel for humanities at The Swedish Aid Agency’s research committee (SIDA)

2008 member of the evaluation panel for religious studies and theology at the Norwegian Research Council

2008 member of the evaluation panel for prioritization (humanities and social sciences) at the Swedish Research Council

2009–14 member of the evaluation panel for history, religion and ethnology at The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (chair 2011-14)

2009–2014 member of the board of the Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES) at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2010– coordinator of the Ph.D programme “Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies” at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2010–13 member of the board directors of the Centre for Middle East Studies (CMS), Lund University

2010 fellow of the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy, Uppsala

2011–14 member of the board of The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

2011 fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen

2013–17 member of the administrative board of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm

2014– Named Person at The Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2017– editor in chief for the book series Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe, Palgrave Macmillan


Prices and awards

2002 receiver of the Einar Hansen legacy for humanistic research, The Einar Hansen Research Foundation

2005 receiver of the Dag Strömbeck price from The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy, Uppsala

2018 receiver of King Gustav VI Adolf’s Gold Medal for Merit, Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm

Primary fields of research

PI for the research centre "The Many Roads in Modernity. The Transformation of South East Europe and Its Ottoman Legacy from the 1870s to the 21st Century"



* contemporary Islam, especially in the Balkans and Turkey

* Sufism and Sufi communities

* Muslim rituals and everyday religion; leadership and legitimacy

and also

* religion and politics

* religion, aesthetics and representations of the past

* Muslim communities in Europe 

– and an old , keen interest in Old Norse mythology and later Scandinavian folklore





2016. With Zilka Spahić-Šiljak. Bosnian Muslim Women’s Rituals. Bulas Singing, Reciting and Teaching in Sarajevo. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen. (59 mins).


2014. Islam. An Introduction. I.B. Tauris: London.

Edited volumes

* 2018. Nostalgia – Loss and Creativity. Political and Cultural Representations of the Past in South-East Europe (Modernity, Memory and Identity in South East Europe) Ed. Catharina Raudvere. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

* 2016. Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past: History Cultures in the Modern Muslim World (Islam and Nationalism in Europe and the Muslim World). Ed. Catharina Raudvere. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

* 2012. Rethinking the Space for Religion. New Actors in Central and Southeast Europe on Religion, Authenticity and Belonging Catharina Raudvere, Krzysztof Stala and Trine Stauning Willert(eds). Lund: Nordic Academic Press.

 * 2012. More than MythologyReligious Studies Perspectives on Old Norse Religion. Catharina Raudvere and Jens Peter Schjødt (eds). Lund: Nordic Academic Press

 * 2009. Sufism Today. Heritage and Tradition in the Global Community, Catharina Raudvere and Leif Stenberg (eds) London: I.B. Tauris.

Some recent articles and chapters

In press. “Jacob Jonas Björnståhls möten med Orienten under den europeiska delen av resan, 1776–1779” in: Johan Stenström (ed.) Jacob Jonas Björnståhl. Göteborg: Makadam.

In press. “Jacob Jonas Björnståhl i Konstantinopel. Språkman, kulturhistoriker och etnograf” in: Johan Stenström (ed.) Jacob Jonas Björnståhl. Göteborg: Makadam.

In press. “Instructive Speech among Bosnian Muslim Women. Toward a Processual Understanding of Local Production of Islamic Theology” in: Elisabeth Özdalga and Simon Stjernholm (eds.) Modern Muslim Homiletics. Ritual, Discourse, and Ideology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

In press. “Transforming, Transgressing and Terrorizing. Some Werewolves and their Counterparts in Swedish Medieval Ballads” in: Frog and Joonas Ahola (eds.) Folklore and Mythology. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.

* 2019. “Ty hon var i vildskoga vånda. Kontaktzoner mellan det mänskliga och det övernaturliga i svenska medeltidsballader” in: Cecilia Ljung, Anna Andreasson Sjögren och Ingrid Berg (ed.) Tidens landskap. En vänbok till Anders Andrén, p. 216–218. Lund: Nordic Academic Press.

* 2019. “Between Religiosity, Cultural Heritage and Politics: Sufi-oriented Interests in Contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina” in: Jamal Malik and Saeed Zarrabi-Zadeh (ed.) Sufism East and West. Reorientation and Dynamism of Mystical Islam in the Modern World, p. 233–258. Leiden: Brill.

* 2018. “Loss and Creativity.Political and Cultural Representations of the Past in South-East Europe”,Nostalgia – Loss and Creativity. Political and Cultural Representations of the Past in South-East Europe (Modernity, Memory and Identity in South East Europe) Ed. Catharina Raudvere. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

* 2018. “In från sidan. Elizabeth W. Fernea. En pionjär i studiet av muslimsk religiös praxis”, Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift, vol. 67:5-19.

* 2017. “After the War, before the Future. Remembrance and Public Representations of Atrocities in Sarajevo”, Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe (Routledge Studies in Pilgrimage, Religious Travel and Tourism) ed. Ingvild Flaskerud and Richard Natvig. London: Routledge.

* 2017. “‘Ditt namn skall vara min viskning’. Något om det sufiska och muslimska hos Gunnar Ekelöf”, Rethinking Scandinavia, vol. 1. 

* 2016. “Experience and Expression. Aleksandar Hemon, Literature and (Dis)placement”, Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past: History Cultures in the Modern Muslim World (Islam and Nationalism in Europe and the Muslim World). Ed. Catharina Raudvere. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

 * 2016. “History as a Mirror and Places of Belonging. Some Remarks on Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past”, Contested Memories and the Demands of the Past: History Cultures in the Modern Muslim World (Islam and Nationalism in Europe and the Muslim World). Ed. Catharina Raudvere. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

* 2016. “Associations, Connections, Representatives. A Swedish Bosnian Muslim Community in a Transforming Urban Landscape”, Challenging Identities. European Horizons, (Advances in Sociology) ed. Peter Madsen. New York: Routledge. s. 150-167.

* 2015. "Meeting Hardship, Illness and Malice. Valter W. Forsblom and His Documentation of Healing Practices in Swedish Speaking Finland 1913-1917" Arv, vol. 70. p. 147-166.

* 2013. ”The Pedagogical Virtues of Comparison: Jacob Jonas Björnståhl in Constantinople 1776-79” in Early Scientific Expeditions and Local Encounters. New Persepctives on Carsten Niebuhr and ’The Arabian Journey’, (ed.) Ib Friis, Michael Harbsmeier and Jørgen Bæk Simonsen. København: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. p. 149-160.

* 2013. ”Women and Sufism. Contemporary Thought and Practice” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, Natana J. De-Long Bas (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

* 2012. “Claiming Heritage, Renewing Authority. Sufi-orientated Activities in post-Communist Bosnia-Herzegovina”, European Journal of Turkish Studies, vol. 13:2-14.

* 2012. ”Textual and Ritual Command.  Muslim Women as Keepers and Transmitters of Religious Knowledge in Contemporary Bosnia” in in Women, Leadership and Mosques: Changes in Contemporary Islamic Authority edited by Hilary Kalmbach and Masooda Banu. Leiden: Brill. p. 259-78.

* 2012. ”Exploring the Particular in a Global World. Three Contemporary Bosnian Theological Writers on Islam, Sufism, Authenticity and National Belonging” in Rethinking the Space for Religion. New Actors in Central and Southeast Europe on Religion, Authenticity and Belonging Catharina Raudvere, Krzysztof Stala and Trine Stauning Willert(eds). Lund: Nordic Academic Press. p. 259-281. 

* 2012. ”Tolkning, tradition och konflikt. Sufism som markör för nationell identitet och transnationell auktoritet i dagens Bosnien”, Din. Tidskrift för religion og kultur 1/2012. p. 9-26.

* (in press) ”Women and Sufism. Contemporary Thought and Practice” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, Natana J. De-Long Bas (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Academic Memberships

* fellow of the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, 2005

* fellow of the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy, Uppsala, 2010 

* fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2011

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