Susanne Kerner

Susanne Kerner

Associate Professor

Current research

The role of of food in identity building and the relationship between commensality and social organisation.

Ritual landscapes in Mughayrat. A survey and excavation in central Jordan.

Social organisation, prestige and craft specialisation (6th to 3rd mill. BCE)




Undergraduate Teaching

Introduction to Mesopotamian Archaeology, Archaeological Theory, Technique and Method, Approaches to Historic Archaeology, Complex Society, Neolithisation, Archaeology of Israel, Jordan and Palestine, Archaeology of Iran, Women in the Near East, Archaeology of Social Life, BA-seminar

Graduate Teaching

Theory and Method, International Seminar (topics such as Opposition and Resistance, Rituals, Archaeology and Memory, The social life of things, Food and Commensality, Gender, Architecture, Conflict, Water), Special Topics: Food and Identity, Critical Analysis, Grenvalg Studies, Supervisison of MA-papers (e.g. Iron-Age pottery from Jordan, Middle-Bronze-Age pottery from Syria, Hittite landscape archaeology, Stone vessels from Dilmun, Neo-Assyrian figurines, Neolithic groundstone tools from Shkarat Msiad, Ubaid figurines)

Supervision of PhDs


Primary fields of research

Near Eastern Archaeology

Theoretical Archaeology, particularly Gender Studies

Social and Political Development (Stateformation)

Food, its cultural and social aspects


Pottery studies

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