Previous events
16 May 2023, 11:00
Russian Exceptionalism and the War against Ukraine
8 May 2023, 15:00-19:00
Glitter Continent: Unifying visions of a fragmented Europe - this year’s Eurovision in a historic perspective
8 May 2023, 12:00
Unchanged Foodways
2 May - 4 May 2023
The Egyptological-Assyriological Conference in Copenhagen 2023
27 Mar. 2023, 10:00-17:30
Conflict, cultural heritage and the new roles of the museum in and around Europe
17 Mar. 2023, 11:15-12:00
Polish perspectives on the Russo-Ukrainian war and their historical background
10 Mar. 2023, 13:00
German Muslims on the International Theology Programme in Turkey
10 Mar. 2023, 12:15-14:00
The Supernatural in Serbian Folk Religion: a century of ethnological research
3 Mar. 2023, 13:00
Convergence And Cultural Encounters: The Calendar Wheels of Early Colonial Central Mexico (16th century)
27 Jan. 2023, 13:00
The role of UNESCO