The PhD programme at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies

The PhD programme organizes courses and seminars that cover the broad field of regional and cross-cultural interests at the department. The link to the left presents up-coming activities that comprise historical and contemporary research as well as more theoretically oriented courses and seminars.

With some regularity will four core areas of research at the department be approached:

  • Fieldwork in the Humanities
  • Cultural heritage politics and identity formations
  • Materiality
  • World literature and the world of literature

The PhD programme also organizes writing-up seminars where drafts of thesis chapters are discussed and midway/pre-defence seminars. See courses and seminars.

As PhD candidate at the at Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies you can always contact the PhD coordinator, lektor Thomas Brudholm, with suggestions on courses, seminars or guest lecturers, or get more information about our writing-up seminars.

PhD dissertations 

See list of PhD dissertations at ToRS.

The PhD programme

Read about the many activities at the Faculty's PhD School on the PhD School home page.

PhD fellows at ToRS

Name Title Phone E-mail
Amer, Nanna Ellen PhD Fellow +4535336842 E-mail
Baby, Irene PhD Fellow +4535335398 E-mail
Bencke, Frederikke PhD Fellow +4535324141 E-mail
Brandt, Emil Madsen PhD Fellow +4535333847 E-mail
Brødsgaard, Amanda PhD Fellow +4535327814 E-mail
Cao, Alice PhD Student +4535323687 E-mail
Das, Susrita PhD Fellow +4535337237 E-mail
Dybdal, Emilie PhD Fellow +4535335524 E-mail
Flyvholm, Anne-Mai PhD Fellow +4535324722 E-mail
Halvorsen, Asta Salicath PhD Fellow E-mail
Humbert, Sierra Josephine Louise PhD Student +4535325427 E-mail
Kirk, Marianne Madsen PhD Fellow E-mail
Krgovic, Marija PhD Fellow +4535330197 E-mail
Leine, Marie PhD Fellow E-mail
Nielsen, Mads Kildegaard PhD Fellow +4535332188 E-mail
Sharifi, Meraj PhD Fellow +4535321721 E-mail