Når det hellige og det verdslige rum smelter sammen: Danske kirker i udlandet og en dansk offentlig sfære

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Danske kirker i udlandet ligner i sociologisk henseende andre indvandrersamfunds religiøse institutioner, idet udlandskirkerne foruden at danne ramme om et dansk-præget kirkeliv i høj grad også dækker mange af immigrantsamfundenes sociale behov. De mange verdslige aktiviteter betyder, at kirkerne ikke altid opretholder en skarp adskillelse mellem det hellige og det verdslige rum. Eksempler fra danske kirker i Argentina og Rotterdam illustrerer, at det kan udfordre folkelige opfattelser af det betydningsfulde i at holde helligt rum adskilt fra verdsligt rum. Den danske stat og dansk erhvervsliv spiller en central rolle i flere af udlandskirkernes hverdag, og en udlandskirke som den danske sømandskirke i Singapore har udviklet sig til en lokal dansk offentlig sfære i Jürgen Habermas’ forstand for de ca. 1500 fastboende danskere i Singapore.

From a sociological perspective, Danish churches abroad are like other immigrant religious institutions. In addition to holding services in a Danish setting, the churches also fulfil many of the social needs of the immigrant community. The many secular activities mean that the churches do not always maintain a distinct separation between sacred and profane space. Examples from Danish churches in Argentina and Rotterdam illustrate that this may challenge popular notions of the importance of separating sacred space from profane space. The Danish state and Danish business play a central role in the everyday life of several of the churches abroad, and a church such as the Danish seamen’s church in Singapore has developed to become a local Danish public sphere in Jürgen Habermas’ understanding, servicing the about 1500 Danish residents in Singapore.
Original languageDanish
JournalReligionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift
Pages (from-to)21-32
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2012

ID: 38175913