The World to Scale

ToRS specifically engages with cultures considered different from the Western perspective. We learn about, listen to, and engage with people from other countries who have different religions, worldviews, perspectives, and ideas, as well as other forms of social and political organization—both historically and in the present day.
We are aware that the world looks different when we change our point of perspective. This is illustrated by the Dymaxion map.
The Dymaxion map, or the Fuller Projection Map was developed by R. Buckminster Fuller and is the only flat map which shows the entire surface of the Earth and thus reveals our planet as one island in one ocean, without any visually obvious distortion of the relative shapes and sizes of the land areas, and without splitting any continents. See more info on the Dymaxion map.
ToRS' version of the Dymaxion map is created in collaboration with Tofu Collective, who also produced the artwork Floating. The names for the seas and oceans in the map are rendered in all the languages used in our work and in our educational programs at the University of Copenhagen.
Here you can see a glossary of all the world oceans in a wide selection of the languages we offer at KU.
waters- Aztec: kaknab [K’ahk’naahb] |
waters – Ancient Egypt: yaam [y-ayin-m] |
waters - Sumerian: a’abak [a-ab-ba] |
- Adriatic Sea – Faroese: Adriatarhavið
- Alboran Sea – Finnish: Alboráninmeri
- Andaman Sea – Russian: Андаманское море
- Arabian Sea – Japanese: アラビア海
- Arafura Sea – Chinese: 阿拉弗拉海
- Aral Sea – Korean: 아랄해
- Azov Sea – English: Azov Sea
- Banda Sea – Polish: Morze Banda
- Baffin Bay – Ukranian: Море Баффіна
- Balearic Sea – English: Balearic Sea
- Baltic Sea – Japanese: バルト海
- Bismarck Sea – Norwegian: Bismarcksjøen
- Black Sea – Greenlandic: Imaq Qernertoq
- Barents Sea – Spanish: Mar de Barents
- Bay of Bengal – Latin: Gangeticus Sinus
- Bay of Biscay – Chinese: 比斯开湾
- Bay of Fundy – Spanish: Bahía de Fundy
- Beaufort Sea – Hebrew: הבופור ים
- Bering Sea – Polish: Morze Beringa
- Caribbean Sea – Bosnian: Karipsko more
- Caspian Sea: Swahili: Bahari ya Kaspian
- Celebes Sea – Kroatian: Celebeško More
- Celtic Sea – Arabic: البحر الكلتي
- Chukchi Sea – Danish: Tjukterhavet
- Coral Sea – Urdu: कोरल सागर
- English Channel: Hindi: इंग्लिश चैनल:
- East China Sea – German: Ostchinesisches Meer
- East Siberian Sea – French: Mer de Sibérie orientale
- Great Australian Bight – Swedish: Stora Australbukten
- Greenland Sea – Kiswahili: Bahari ya Greenland
- Gulf of Aden – Belorusian: Адэнскі заліў
- Gulf of Alaska – Kiswahili: Ghuba ya Alaska
- Gulf of Bothnia – Arabic: خليج بوثنيا .
- Gulf of California - Korean: 캘리포니아 만
- Gulf of Finland – Hindi: फ़िनलैंड की खाड़ी
- Gulf of Mexico – Arabic: خليج المكسيك.
- Gulf of Oman – Icelandic: Ómanflói
- Gulf of St Lawrence – English: Gulf of St Lawrence
- Gulf of Thailand – Montenegrinian: Tajlandski zaliv
- Hudson Bay – Turkish: Hudson Körfezi
- Indian Ocean – Polish: Ocean Indyjski
- Java Sea – Turkish: Java Denizi
- Kara Sea – Spanish: Mar de Kara
- Laccadive Sea – Greenlandic: Laccadivep Imartaa
- Laptev Sea – English: Laptev Sea
- Labrador Sea – Belorusian: Мора Лабрадор
- Mediterranean Sea – Latin: Mare Nostrum
- North Atlantic Ocean – Chinese: 北大西洋
- North Atlantic Ocean – Persian: شمالی اُقیانوس اطلس
- North Pacific Ocean – Arabic: المحيط الهادئ الشمالي
- North Pacific Ocean – Turkish: Kuzey Pacifik Okyanusu
- North Sea – Chinese: 北海
- Northwestern Passage – Persian: غربیگذرگاه شمال
- Norwegian Sea – Ancient Greek: Ὠκεανός ὁ βόρειος
- Persian Gulf – Danish: Den persiske golf
- Philippine Sea – German: Philippinensee
- Sea of Japan – Danish: Japanhavet
- Sea of Okhotisk – Croatian: Ohotsko more
- Solomon Sea – English: Solomon Sea
- South Atlantic Ocean – Hindi: दक्षिणी अंध महासागर:
- South Atlantic Ocean – Hebrew: דרום האוקיינוס האטלנטי
- South China Sea – Serbian: Јужно кинеско море
- South Pacific Ocean – Urdu: جنوبی بحر الکاہل:
- South Pacific Ocean – Korean: 남태평양
- Southern Ocean – Greenlandic: Sikuiuitsup Kujalliup Imartaa
- Southern Ocean – Russian: Южный океан
- Southern Ocean – Japansk det sydlige ishav: 南極海
- Sulu Sea – Russian: Сулу
- Timor Sea – Arabic: بحر تيمور.
- Tyrrhenian Sea – Chinese: 第勒尼安海
- Yellow Sea – Hebrew: הצהוב הים
- Tasman Sea – Turkish: Tasman Deniz