Fredrik Norland Hagen

Fredrik Norland Hagen


My research concerns, broadly speaking, the socio-economic history of Egypt during the Second Millennium BC (the Middle and New Kingdom), as well as literature and the culture of writing.

I am currently preparing a recently discovered archive from the mortuary temple of Thutmose III at Thebes for publication, as part of the Spanish-Egyptian excavation project there (dir. Myriam Seco Alvarez). The first volume, on the ostraca, has just been published (2021); the papyrus volume is in preparation.

I am also editing, with Daniel Soliman and Rune Olsen, a multi-authored volume for Cambridge University Press entitled Ancient Egyptian Tomb Construction: The Archaeology of New Kingdom Funerary Architecture, developed as part of the Velux-sponsored project Tomb Construction in Ancient Egypt (c. 1500-1000 BC): Infrastructure and Economy which I directed from 2015 to 2019.

I have been at Copenhagen since 2009, first as Associate Professor and then, since 2017 as Professor; prior to this I worked at Cambridge (Christ's College) and in Uppsala.

Selected publications include:

F. Hagen, Ostraca from the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 120, Brill, 2021). 

Hagen, F. 'New Copies of Old Classics: Early Manuscripts of Khakheperreseneb and The Instruction of a Man for His Son', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 105.2 (2020).

Hagen, F. 2018. 'Libraries in Ancient Egypt, c. 1600-800 BCE', in K. Ryholt and G. Barjamovic (eds.), Libraries Before Alexandria: Ancient Near Eastern Traditions. Oxford University Press, 244-318.

Hagen, F. and Soliman, D. 2017. 'Archives in Ancient Egypt', in A. Bausi et al. (eds.), Manuscripts and Archives (Studies in Manuscript Cultures 11). De Gruyter, 71-170.

Hagen, F. and Ryholt, K. 2016. The Antiquities Trade in Egypt 1880-1930: The H. O. Lange Papers (Scientia Danica. Series H. Humanistica, 4 vol. 8). Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Copenhagen.

Hagen, F. 2012. An Ancient Egyptian Literary Text in Context: The Instruction of Ptahhotep (Analecta Lovaniensia Analecta 218). Leuven: Peeters.

Hagen, F. 2011. New Kingdom Ostraca from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 46). Leiden: Brill.

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