Kristina Kazuhara

Kristina Kazuhara

Teaching Associate Professor

In my capacity as teaching associate professor of Japanese at University of Copenhagen, I coordinate and teach at all elective courses of Japanese language from beginners through advanced levels for students of International Business in Asia at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Spanning between two research institutions, my goal is to provide relevant, quality and coherence in all courses from Japanese Propaedeutics A, B, C and D to the 3rd year Content course with Japanese, which integrates politics and business relevant content into the teaching of language (e.g., content-based teaching). 

Parallel to this, I am a PhD candidate of Cross-Cultural Management at Copenhagen Business School with a particular focus on biculturalism, micro-sociological translation processes within the context of Japan. 

During my doctoral training, I conducted five months of ethnographic fieldwork in two large Danish multinational companies in Tokyo, and spent a total of one year as a visiting researcher at Keio University (Yokohama) and Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo) between 2019-2022 supported by three doctoral mobility grants from the Scandinavia Japan Sasakawa Foundation.

As a cross-disciplinary scholar at the intersection between cross-cultural management and organization studies, I am particularly interested in the growing field of international business research in biculturalism and bilingualism; the role of boundary-spanners and bicultural bridges in organizations and how they contribute or not to knowledge transfer and innovation. I position myself within the field of language-sensitive research within the broader field of international business and management. In my dissertation, I draw upon qualitative methods such as grounded theory, case studies, and ethnography including semi-structured interviews and participant observation. 




Kristina Kazuhara is the course coordinator and lecturer at CCRS' Japanese language courses that cater to electives students from Copenhagen Business School. 

Primary fields of research

International Business and Management; organizational studies; culturally sensitive research; knowledge transfer; biculturalism; bilingualism; cross-cultural boundary spanning.

ID: 246615290