Copenhagen Centre for the Study of Theosophy and Esotericism (CCSTE)

The centre offers a distinct opportunity for researchers and students to generate knowledge about influential aspects of European and global intellectual and religious history often categorized as ‘Esotericism’. This includes how esotericism has interacted with art, science, religion and philosophy in both regional and global contexts.

This centre is particularly dedicated to teaching and researching Esotericism, modern Theosophy, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) and related currents. The research of the centre engages directly with current core questions facing the humanities, such as the crucial links between humanity and nature and between modern spirituality and global trends. The centre strategically contributes to bringing its research to use in connection with relevant cultural events.

The disciplinary frame of the Science of Religion under the Institute for the Study of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen is especially suited for this development of research as several local scholars work on modernity, global cultural interchanges, a plurality of traditions, and intellectual history.






  • H. P. Bavatsky's Theosophy
  • Global spirituality
  • Nature and spirituality
  • Esoteric Christianity
  • Esotericism and modern culture
  • Esotericism and technologies
  • Theosophy and global history
  • Theosophy and modern art
  • The history of esotericism
  • Theories and methods in the study of esotericism



  • Prof. Kocku von Stuckrad (University of Groningen)
  • Prof. Andreas Kilcher (ETH Zûrich, president of ESSWE)
  • Prof. Catharina Raudvere (University of Copenhagen)
  • Clare Goodrick-Clarke (University of Exeter)
  • Prof. James Santucci (California, Fullerton)
  • Prof. Boaz Huss (Ben-Gurion University)



Name Title Phone E-mail
Nielsen, Bjarke Stanley Postdoc E-mail
Rudbøg, Tim Associate Professor - Promotion Programme E-mail
Sand, Erik Reenberg Associate Professor Emeritus +4551302699 E-mail

Affiliated researchers

Name Title Phone E-mail
Frederiksen, Kasper Opstrup  Part-time Lecturer  +4553630311 E-mail
Kafer, Natacha Klein Assistant Professor +4535332987 E-mail
Sera-Shriar, Efram Teaching Associate Professor +4535329835 E-mail


The centre is funded by the Blavatsky Trust.


Director of Center
Tim Rudbøg
Associate Professor

Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS)
Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Office: 10-4-13

: +45 93 56 56 23

Student activities

The center sponsors a number of student activities, such as The Not So Secret Club organized by Bjarke Stanley Nielsen, which include student lectures, social activities, movie nights, visiting esoteric groups and a student journal Pan-Sophia representing the best scholarly work done by students in relation to the courses offered by the center.