Publications by the Research Group (MEDIASP)
“Mediatized Diaspora”: Modeling the transnational effects of media in diaspora.Shehata, Mostafa, 2022. In: Global Media and Communication. |
Egyptian imaginaries of resistance: Cinematic remembrance of the Suez crisisGalal, Ehab, 31 Dec 2021. In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. 14, 2. |
Plads til opposition? Egyptisk tv i IstanbulGalal, Ehab, 2021. In: Babylon - Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier. 19, 1, p. 44-57 14 p., 4. |
Qatar: A Small Country with a Global OutlookGalal, Ehab, 2021, Arab Media Systems. Richter, C. & Kozman, C. (eds.). Germany: Global Communications, (GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS). |
Reconfigurations of religiopolitical traditions and identities: Mediated religion in the Arab countriesGalal, Ehab, 2021. The Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East. Khali, J. F., Khiabany, G., Guaaybess, T. & Yesil, B. (eds.). Wiley. |
Medienarrativer og forståelser af religion i den syriske diaspora: Media narratives and understandings of religion in the Syrian diasporaAb Yonus, Zenia Bredmose Henriksen 2021. In: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. 14, 01 |
Yonus og Dahy: Syrere i Danmark skal ikke sendes tilbage til systematisk vold blottet for retssikkerhedAb Yonus, Zenia Bredmose Henriksen & Dahy Aug 2021. In Ræson. |
Five aspects of diasporic political communication: The case of the Arab diaspora in EuropeShehata, Mostafa 2021. In The Arab Reform Initiative. |
What can I do? The role of (Media) Activism among Bahrainis in London and Denmark.Fibiger, Thomas 2021. In The Arab Reform Initiative |
Politisk bevidsthed blandt arabiske migranter i Europa: Medieret diaspora og religionGalal, Ehab (ed.) & Fibiger, T. (ed.) 2020. In: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. 14, 1. |
Ambiguous Belonging: Media Practices among Syrians in DenmarkAb Yonus, Zenia Bredmose Henriksen, 1 Apr 2020, In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. 13, 1. |
Silencing the Voice of Bahrain? Regime-critical media and Bahrain's London diasporaFibiger, Thomas Brandt. I: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, Bind 13, Nr. 1, 2020. |
Bulbul al-thawra: revolutionens sangfugl: Bulbul al-thawra: the songbird of the revolutionAb Yonus, Zenia Bredmose Henriksen. In: Babylon - Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier. |
Critical Media and Arab Diaspora: Challenges and Opportunities post-Arab SpringShehata, Mostafa (ed.), Yonus, Z. (ed.), Fibiger, T. (ed.) & Galal, Ehab (ed.), 1 Apr 2020, In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. |
Syrernes Grænseland: Medielandskab og MigrationsmosaikAb Yonus, Zenia Bredmose Henriksen, Grænser: Årbog for ToRS 2019. Pluwak, A. & Dahy, J. (eds.). 2019 ed. Vol. 10. (Year Book (ToRS)). |
Mediering af politiseret religiøs identitet blandt den tunesiske diaspora i EuropaShehata, Mostafa, 2020, In Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. 14, 1, p. 34-57 24 p. |
Supportive, transformative and reverse effects of media on Tunisian diaspora’s political identityShehata, Mostafa, 2020, In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. 13, 1, p. 85-103 19 p. |
Globale reaktioner på COVID-19: religion og trossamfund i en krisetidRiexinger, Martin Thomas; Thorsen, Jakob Egeris; Fibiger, Thomas Brandt; Fibiger, Marianne Qvortrup; Borup, Jørn. Religion I Danmark 2020. (red.) Marie Vejrup; Henrik Reintoft Christensen. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitet, 2021. s. 131-141 (Religion i Danmark). |
Islam og CoronakrisenFibiger, Thomas Brandt; Riexinger, Martin Thomas. Religion i Danmark 2020. (red.) Marie Vejrup; Henrik Reintoft Christensen. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitet, 2021. s. 149-159 (Religion i Danmark). |
”Hvor kan jeg gøre en forskel?”: Religiøs og politisk (medie)aktivisme blandt bahrainske shiamuslimer i Danmark og EnglandFibiger, Thomas Brandt. I: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning, Bind 14, Nr. 1, 2020, s. 57-81. |
Nye tendenser i studiet af islam i Europa og Danmark.Fibiger, Thomas Brandt; Jacobsen, Brian Arly. I: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning, Bind 13, Nr. 2, 2019, s. 4-8. |
Mediated religious and political perspectives on covid-19: Minority and majority viewsGalal, Ehab (ed.) 2021. In: Scandinavian Journal of Islamic Studies. Volume 14, No. 2 (2021) Journal article |
Religion og sekularisme under covid-19Galal, Ehab. 2021. I: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. Årgang 14, No. 2 (2021) Tidsskriftartikel |
Med bønnens kraft: Et islamisk og kristent arabisk perspektiv på covid-19Galal, Ehab. 2021. I: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. Årgang 14 Nr. 2 (2021) Tidsskriftartikel |
Between Sect and Secularism: The Mediated Ambiguities of the Syrian Nation StateEhab Galal & Zenia Yonus, 2021. In: Global media journal (GMJ) German edition. 10, 2, p. 1-18. Peer-reviewed Original Article |
Medier, Diaspora og ReligionGalal, Ehab (ed.) & Fibiger, Thomas (ed.), 2020. In: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. Volume 14, No. 1. Edited volume, Contribution to journal, peer-review |
Diasporic opposition mediated voices and the digital authoritarianism post the Arab SpringGalal, Ehab & Shehata, Mostafa, 2020. In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. Volume 13, No. 1. Journal article |
Qatar: A Small Country with a Global OutlookGalal, Ehab, 2020. In: Arab Media. Richter, C. & Kozman, C. (eds.). Germany: Global Communications. Book chapter, peer-review |
Special issueShehata, Mostafa, Yonus , Zenia., Fibiger, Thomas. & Galal, Ehab (eds.), 2020. In : Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. Volume 13, No. 1. Edited volume, Contribution to journal › peer-review |
Ambiguous Belonging; Media Practices among Syrians in DenmarkAb Yonus, Zenia Bredmose Henriksen, 2020, In : Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research. Journal article, peer-review |
Arabiske film siden 2011-opstanden: grænsen mellem drøm og virkelighedGalal, Ehab, 2020. In: Grænser: Årbog for ToRS 2019. Anita Pluwak og Dahy, J. (eds.). Københavns Universitet. Book chapter |
Medieret diaspora mellem tro og politik: Islam som moralsk destinationGalal, Ehab, 2020. In : Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. Volume 14, No. 1. Journal article, peer-review |
Religious media in the Middle East: Reconfigurations of religiopolitical traditions and identitiesGalal, Ehab, 2020. In: The Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East. Khali, J. F., Khiabany, G., Guaaybess, T. & Yesil, B. (eds.). Wiley. Book chapter, peer-review |
Supportive, transformative and reverse effects of media on Tunisian diaspora’s political identityShehata, Mostafa, 2020. In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. Volume 13, No. 1. Journal article, peer-review |
Silencing the Voice of Bahrain? Regime-critical media and Bahrain's London diasporaFibiger, Thomas, 2020. In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. Volume 13, No. 1. Journal article, peer-review |
Special issueGalal, Ehab (ed.) & Fibiger, Thomas (eds.), 2020, In: Global Media Journal. German Edition. Volume 10, No. 1. Edited volume, Contribution to journal |
Critical Media in the Arab WorldGalal, Ehab and Fibiger, Thomas, 2020. In: Global Media Journal. German Edition, Volume 10, No. 1. Journal article |
Ringfenced religion? Egypt’s religious media between faith and politicsGalal, Ehab, 2020. In: Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Egypt. Springborg, R. (ed.). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Book chapter,› peer-review |
Situationen i Syrien er langt fra så sikker, som Udlændingestyrelsen påstårAb Yonus, Zenia Bredmose Henriksen, 21 Juni 2019, Ræson. Internet publication |
IntroduktionGalal, Ehab & Fibiger, Thomas. In: Medier, Diaspora og Religion, 2020. In: Tidsskrift for Islamforskning. Volume 14, No. 1. Contribution to journal, peer-review |