CCCS contributes to state of the art conversations in ethnography, anthropology and cultural analysis and has over the last few years put significant publications out.
Recent publications

Bandak, Andreas and Paul Anderson, eds. (2022) Urgency and Imminence: The politics of the very near future, Social Anthropology vol.30(4)
Bandak, Andreas and Simon Stjernholm (2022) Limits, Genealogies, and Openings. Introductory Remarks on Engaging Religion, Religion and Society vol.13(1)
Marsden, Magnus and Vera Skvirskaja 2023 Stadt und Transnationalität in Zentralasien. Neuer und Alter Kosmopolitismus als Medium regionaler und globaler Volksdiplomatie (City and Transnationality in Central Asia. New and Old Cosmopolitanism as a Medium of Regional and Global People's Diplomacy), Zentralasien-Analysen/Central Asia Analyses, 139. DOI: 10.31205/ZA.157.01.
Skvirskaja, Vera 2023 The Black Sea ‘Moments’ and ‘Coexistence on the Move’ in Transit. In A Sea of Transience. Poetics, Politics and Aesthetics along the Black Sea Coast. Khalvashi, T. & Frederiksen, M. D. (eds.). New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Introduction: Layers of Spatial Rupture among Syrians in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Syria
Al-Khalili, C. & Holst, Birgitte Stampe, 2023, In: Conflict and Society: Advances in Research. 9, 1
Family Matters in Conflict: Displacement and the Formulation of Politics among Syrians in Lebanon and Turkey
Holst, Birgitte Stampe, 2023, In: Conflict and Society: Advances in Research. 9, 1
Bandak, A. (2022) Exemplary Life: Modelling Sainhood in Christian Syria. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Bandak, A. & Paul Anderson, eds. (2022) Urgency and Imminence: The Politics of the Very Near Future, special issue of Social Anthropology vol.30(4).
Bandak, A. & Simon Stjernholm, eds. (in press, 2022) Engaging Religion, special issue of Religion and Society vol.13.
Holst, Birgitte Stampe On the Inside: Shatila Camp as a Space of Respite for Syrian Refugees, Journal of Refugee Studies, Volume 35, Issue 3, September 2022, Pages 1311–1326,
Bandak, A., H. Henkel, C. Anbert & K. Schyberg, eds. Bøn | Tidsskriftet Antropologi Nr. 84 (2021).
Bandak, A., ed. (2021) The Social Life of Prayer: Anthropological Engagements with Christian Practice. New York: Routledge.
Bandak, A. & S. Coleman, eds. (2021) Different Repetitions: Anthropological Engagements with Figures of Return, Recurrence and Redundancy. New York: Routledge.
Crone, Christine (forthcoming), “Re-narrating the Past, Producing the Present and Unlocking the Future: Haris al-Quds, a TV-dramatization of ‘Post-war’ Syria”, Middle East Critique.
Puri, S. S. (2022) Beyond the Bazar. Interconnecting Indian Markets. Journal of
Cultural Economy. E-publication ahead of print.
Puri, S. S. (2021) Gambling on the Indian Monsoon. Geohumanities 7(1), 73-130.
Puri, S. S. (2021). Waiting for Accelerations. Speculation on Guar Beans in the Indian Desert. History and Anthropology 32 (1), 18-31.